An authentic and holistic ministry assuring faithful, engaged, and committed Orthodox Christians.
Inspiring and empowering young adults’ holistic connection to Christ and His Church.
The Metropolis of Chicago Young Adult League Charter
The Four Circles
It is recommended that Young Adult Ministry integrate the following elements into all aspects their programming: Worship, Fellowship, Service, and Witness. An exceptional program will see these elements not as four separate entities, but as four interlocking circles that overlap and build on one another. At the center of these interlocking elements we find the element of witness as a natural result. A healthy YAL program keeps these aspects in balance.
Worship (Liturgia) “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, And we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand” Psalm 95:6-7. As Orthodox Christians, we believe that God reveals Himself through Holy Tradition and Scripture. Worship is the living expression of these, and is an important element in ministering to our young adults; we strive to remain active participants in the liturgical life of the Church.
Fellowship (Koinonia) “Behold how good and pleasing it is when brothers dwell in unity” Psalm 133:1. Fellowship is the way Orthodox Christians integrate their faith with daily life. It is sacred when Orthodox Christians gather together in community. The relationship of the Holy Trinity is the perfect model of Fellowship – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit share perfect communion and exist in perfect love with each other. By gathering together in fellowship and experiencing this love, we emulate the relationship of the Trinity and develop our life in Christ.
Service (Diakonia) “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve...” Mark 10:45. We are all called to do the same. Young adults can use their God-given talents to serve. For Orthodox Christians, service to God and community is a way of life, a way of living out one’s Faith. When young adults use their God-given gifts in service to their neighbor, particularly the less fortunate and marginalized neighbors, they respond to Christ’s call in Matthew 25:31-46, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and visit those in prison. Responding to these human needs in love is the true meaning of service.
Witness (Martyria) “Let your light so shine for men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” Matthew 5:16. Man is both spiritual and physical being. Unfortunately this spiritual reality is not always expressed in the material world. In order to be true to oneself and to the Orthodox Christian Faith, young people should strive to exemplify the teaching of the Church. We are witnessing our faith when we live as Christ taught us to live, letting Christ shine in all that we do to those around us. When we participate in worship, develop our knowledge of the faith, come together in fellowship, and give ourselves in service, we are living a life of witness. By developing these elements in the lives of young adults, we are equipping them to live a full life in Christ, an authentic life of witness to His love.
In addition to the 4 circles, YAL Chicago incorporated an additional element
Education “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” Romans 12:2. Our minds contain all kinds of knowledge; this knowledge informs how we interact with our world. It is important that we acquire not only knowledge of the things of this world, but most importantly of our faith. It is through learning about Orthodoxy, through the renewing of our minds by learning about our faith, that we come to a deeper understanding of God and how to live in accordance with His will. All young adults have much to learn when it comes to our faith; by becoming better educated in the matters of our faith, young adults will be equipped to “discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
Membership and Recruitment
The YAL Chicago Executive Board shall be comprised of up to 10 members chosen by the current leadership board. The YAL Chicago Executive Board members shall serve at the pleasure of the Metropolis of Chicago and His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael to support the young adults of the metropolis. Members of the YAL Chicago Executive Board shall have relevant outreach and leadership experience, as well as an interest in the enhancement of the youth and young adult ministries of the Chicago Metropolis. The YAL Chicago Executive Board members are vital members of the metropolis and their parishes. They have the ability to network, promote, engage, and grow the YAL Chicago ministry. In addition, board members are asked to identify and assist in recruiting talented, dedicated and diverse individuals to serve on the YAL Chicago Executive Board and its subcommittees. When considering someone as a prospective the YAL Chicago Executive Board member, a current board member should acquaint the potential member with the current YAL Executive Board and ensure they apply through a formal application. Upon membership, two year term limits will allow for a rotation of new active members and transition planning.
Duties and Responsibilities
The YAL Board shall hold regular meetings at least one time per month, and report to the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.
Additional meetings of subcommittees may be called to support activities.
Members of the YAL Board shall make their best effort to attend the majority of meetings and events. Each member of the YAL Board is asked to actively serve on at least one subcommittee or take a leadership position. These subcommittees include, but are not limited to:
Communications Committee
Outreach Committee
Fundraising & Events Committee
Members of the YAL Chicago Executive Board shall:
Increase participation through attendance at YAL events by engaging and inviting new personal and professional contacts to participate in fellowship together
Coordinate at least 1 annual program and/or activity
Be active members within their current parish and steward of their church
Make every effort to support other young adult hellenic and Orthodox activities such as HSPI, GSSN, YAL parish chapter events, etc.
Amended: September 2019